I am a stay home mom who had the blessing to work from home. Used to be a learning designer by professional. And since I stay home to work now, I had the grand plan to entertain my kids with activities. I believe play aside, it’s important we keep kids actively cognitively, while bonding with them (though, honestly it doesn’t always work out that way).
Anyway, here’s a collection of activities I tried with my kids. Some are really basic, some were really engaging, some are just stuff I did on my own to keep them engaged. The list will grow as I find more interesting things for them. So hope these resources will be useful for you, as they were for me and my kids!
Simple Matching Animals Cut out

Did this one rainy day for my little boy, so that he will stop crying for youtube! (yes, unfortunately, he got started!!!)
It’s really simple. This is great for babies and 1 year old who loved animals and new to matching.
No Touch Sensory Activity
Got inspired by the home made sensory activities. Unfortunately, other than putting the starchy lump and beans into the zip lock bags, my 2 yo wasn’t so game with squashing the starchy lumps. But involving him in the making of the sensory bag was at least a good start!

Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.